How old is the Police Square Club?
The Police Square Club, Inc. of the City of New York is one of the oldest recognized NYPD fraternal, ethnic and religious organizations. The first meeting was held on March 15, 1920 and was incorporated with the State of New York on November 20, 1923. We are one of the founding member of the NYPD Committee of Police Societies.
What is the Police Square Club?
The PSC is Masonic organization recognized by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York and is comprised of active and retired uniformed or civilian members of the Police Department of the City of New York who are Master Masons. We also have associate members who are Master Masons.
Who are the members?
Active and retired uniformed or civilian members of the Police Department of the City of New York who are Master Masons in good standing belonging to a lodge under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York or a lodge of a jurisdiction that is recognized as regular by the Grand Lodge. Associate Membership is available to Master Masons not employed by the NYPD on a limited basis.
Do you have to be a Master Mason to join?
No, Entered Apprentice and Fellowcraft Members of Service (Uniformed and Civilian) may join the ranks of active membership, with the condition that they become Master Masons within two years of joining the NYPD Police Square Club.
Do you have to be a member of the NYPD to join?
No. Master Masons (non- NYPD law enforcement and civilians) may join the PSC as an Associate Member when sponsored by a member who is in good standing.
How can I join the Police Square Club?
Visit our membership page for detailed information.
When is the next meeting?
Meetings are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month except July and August.
Where are the meeting held?
Meeting are held at Advance Masonic Temple located at 21-14 30th Avenue, Long Island City (Queens), NY 11102.